Braskem America Tetramer

Braskem America Tetramer is also known as 1-Propene Tetramer, is a hydrocarbon intermediate categorized under olefins. It plays a vital role as a base chemical in various industrial applications, particularly in chemical manufacturing processes. The product finds use in producing dodecylbenzene, dodecylphenol, isoparaffin, and tridecyl alcohol.

For more information regarding REACH, please visit Braskem's REACH site

Chemical Name: 1-Propene, Tetramer, Alkenes, C11-13, C12-Rich

CAS Number: 68526-58-9

End Uses: Dodecylbenzene, Dodecylphenol, Isoparaffin, Tridecyl Alcohol

Functions: Intermediate

Physical Form: Liquid

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Clear and bright
Typical Properties - Plaque Properties
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Chemical FormulaC₁₂H₂₄--
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Water Content50ppmASTM D6304
Anti Oxidant75ppmBraskem Method
Total Chloride1ppmASTM D5808
Color5Pt‐CoASTM D1209
Density (at 20/4ºC)0.767ASTM D4052
Density (at 15/4°C)0.770ASTM D4052
Sulfur Contentmax. 0.1ppmASTM D5453
Bromine Number87g Br₂/100gASTM D1159
Peroxides1.5ppmASTM D2340
Initial Boiling point178.5°CASTM D86
Final Boiling Point201°CASTM D86
C90.2% wtBraskem Method
C105% wtBraskem Method
C1114.5% wtBraskem Method
C1273.5% wtBraskem Method
C135% wtBraskem Method
C141.5% wtBraskem Method
C150.5% wtBraskem Method
Olefins99.75% volASTM D1319

Regulatory & Compliance