Braskem America HE-70S

Braskem America HE-70S is a liquid ether categorized under ethers. It serves as a solvent, particularly in the HI&I (Household, Industrial, and Institutional) care markets, specifically in industrial cleaning applications like degreasers and industrial cleaners. With high solvency and low surface tension, this product offers effective cleaning performance. Its chemical name is ethyl tert-butyl ether.

For more information regarding REACH, please visit Braskem's REACH site

Chemical Name: Ethyl tert-butyl ether

Functions: Solvent

CAS Number: 637-92-3

Labeling Claims: Azo Colorants-free, Azo Dyes-free, Carbon Black-free, Dye Free, Not Listed In California Proposition 65, Pigment-free

Purity (Assay): 96.0 %

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
CASE Ingredients Features
HII Features
Product Characteristics
  • Oxygenated solvent with low surface tension
  • Light Solvent with evaporation rate 706 (butylacetate = 100)

Applications & Uses

I&I Cleaning Applications
Product Applications
  • Formulation of adhesive, presenting high performance and versatility for several kinds of adhesives, due to high solvency for most of the resins used in this market
  • Formulation of paints and dilution and cleaning thinners


Physical Form
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Water Contentmax. 450mg/kgASTM E203
C4max. 0.1% massASTM D7796
DIBmax. 0.4% massASTM D7796
Ethanol + TBAmax. 3.5% massASTM D7796
Puritymin. 96% massASTM D7796

Regulatory & Compliance