Ezolem™ 7/9

Ezolem™ 7/9 is a hydrocarbon solvent known as naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined light, with a liquid physical form. Belonging to the aliphatics and hydrocarbons chemical family, this solvent is utilized in various consumer goods applications, including bedding, footwear, and furniture. It is also applied in the adhesives and sealants industry, particularly in furniture adhesives and textile & footwear adhesives. Ezolem™ 7/9 functions as a high-solvency cleaning ingredient, particularly in institutional and industrial care applications. Additionally, it serves as an intermediate base chemical and finds use in anhydrous alcohol production.

For more information regarding REACH, please visit Braskem's REACH site

Chemical Name: Naphtha (petroleum), solvent-refined light

CAS Number: 64741-84-0

Labeling Claims: Azo Colorants-free, Azo Dyes-free, Carbon Black-free, Dye Free, Pigment-free

Physical Form: Liquid

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Enhanced TDS

Identification & Functionality

Features & Benefits

Labeling Claims
Base Chemicals Features
HII Features
Product Highlights
  • Aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent composed by a mixture of paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons
  • Low concentration of Olefin and Sulphonated compounds.

Applications & Uses


Physical Form
Colorless Liquid
ValueUnitsTest Method / Conditions
Water Contentmax. 200ppm massASTM D4017
Total Aromaticsmax. 0.5% massASTM D6504
Benzenemax. 0.1% massASTM D7504
Colormax. 20Pt‐CoASTM D5386
Relative Density (at 20/4°C)0.72 ‐ 0.74-ASTM D4052
Initial Boiling Pointmin. 68°CASTM D1078
Final Boiling Pointmax. 95°CASTM D1078
Total Sulfurmax. 1ppm massASTM D4045 / ASTM D5453
Bromine Numbermax. 2g Br₂/100gASTM D1159

Regulatory & Compliance

Storage & Handling

Shelf Life
2 Years