Enhanced TDS
Identification & Functionality
- Chemical Family
- Chemical Name
- Base Chemicals Functions
- CASE Ingredients Functions
- Industrial Additives Functions
- Technologies
- Product Families
Features & Benefits
- Labeling Claims
- Product Characteristics
- Cyclic aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent
- Light solvent with evaporation rate of 425 (n‐butyl acetate=100) and aniline point of 32 °C
- High purity solvent
Applications & Uses
- Markets
- Applications
- Industries
- Applications
- Applicable Processes
- Product Applications
- Adhesives formulation for the footwear, furniture, mattresses, and automotive industries
- Painting formulation
- Used as a solvent in chemical polymerization processes
- Ethyl Alcohol Dehydration produces alcohol anhydrous
- Physical Form
- Appearance
- Colorless liquid
- Specifications
Value Units Test Method / Conditions Benzene min. 999 - ASTM D7266 Color max. 5 Pt‐Co ASTM D1209 Relative Density (at 20/4°C) 0.7750 ‐ 0.7850 - ASTM D4052 Purity min. 99.5 % ASTM D7266 Distillation Range (1st run ‐ 95% Volume) 78.5 ‐ 82.5 ºC ASTM D850